This service is designed especially for journeys to the old homeland which are organised by the traveller himself / herself. This could be e.g. a one-day trip, a longer journey with your own or with a rental car, a trip undertaken as addition to a concept tour or as a research tour to archives. (For max. 3 persons.)
Even in this case we support you in the preparation of your journey in frames of the basic research.
If you choose this offer, you will be accompanied by one of our professional travel companions during your personal journey. He / she supports you - and only you, together with the persons that you decided to take with you, e.g. your relatives - in all situations that you may encounter while exploring the country of your childhood or of your familiy's history. In other words, you have a "private guide" for your private journey.
He / she establishes contacts and interprets your conversations with the people you meet in your homeland, enables encounters with the history and contemporary culture of this place and explains to you its present situation and conditions. If required and possible, he / she may announce your visit in advance.
Thanks to the support of the companion, you may fully
concentrate on your journey, move freely in the new environment, avoid
difficulties and
The remuneration for accompanying
of one to three persons is 160 euro per day plus expenses (e.g.
transport and board of your companion). The journey and (optionally)
accomodation are organised by you. Still, we will be happy to help you
in choosing the best options for your travel.
During the journey you can use your private car but also all other available means of transport.